The Department of Telecommunications (DoT), through its Telecom Center of Excellence (TCOE), embarked on its pioneering outreach programme for the transformative ‘Sangam: Digital Twin’ initiative at the esteemed Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi. This initiative marks a significant step towards revolutionising infrastructure planning and management, aiming to bridge the gap between innovation and planning processes.
The event, themed “Bridging the gap between Innovation and Planning,” commenced with a momentous inauguration ceremony graced by Dr Neeraj Mittal, Secretary of Telecom, and Prof. Rangan Banerjee, Director of IIT Delhi. Dr Mittal, in his address, underscored the pivotal role of digital twins in modernising infrastructure and fostering innovation and collaboration. He emphasised the importance of leveraging digital twins and integrated data systems to facilitate informed decision-making processes in infrastructure development. The outreach programme, a key component of the ‘Sangam: Digital Twin’ initiative, aims to engage and foster interest among potential participants. It is strategically planned to host sessions at prominent institutions including IIT Delhi, IIT Bangalore and IIT Hyderabad throughout the month. The programme provides a dynamic platform for networking, collaboration, and inspiration, featuring an array of distinguished speakers and thought leaders from diverse industries. Source: Open Gov Asia
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