Gucci’s newly appointed creative director, Sabato de Sarno, made his highly anticipated runway debut at Milan Fashion Week, unveiling the luxury brand’s “Ancora” collection. This momentous event didn’t just stay in the physical world; Gucci has ventured into the metaverse, creating a digital recreation of the fashion show accessible across multiple platforms. The “Ancora” collection, which translates to “yet” or “even now,” according to the designer, is not just about fashion; it’s a narrative celebrating the joy of life, passion, humanity, and inclusivity.
Gucci has consciously designed this collection to welcome everyone, ensuring that its appeal extends beyond the realm of fashion. In a bold move, the designer has taken the fashion show into the metaverse, making it accessible to a wider audience. The luxury fashion brand has partnered with gaming platforms like Roblox, Zepeto in South Korea, and QQ in China to create dedicated metaverse experiences that mirror the physical runway show. Unlike the real-life Milan runway event, which had to be moved indoors due to torrential rain, the metaverse versions proceeded as planned, unfolding seamlessly in the digital realm. The brand’s established presence on Roblox, known as Gucci Town, received a transformation. Source: Cryptopolitan
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